So it's been almost a year since my friends at Scifake have started their bashing against me. It died down for a few months while Mr. Ron himself sent out emails claiming he was suffering from server depression and was stepping down (yeah right). But I actually sent him an email back after all he has said and done, and wished him all the best. Now it seems Scifake is clinging on to a last ditch attempt of them being nothing more than ashes on a computer screen and have now created a new site which is more like a forum. But there was still no traffic. So Ron and his buddy Rob had to bring my name back onto his site once again and claim the same old song and dance that they exposed me for being a fraud. Unfortunately for all the new readers on the site, they forgot to mention that they have still not to this day exposed ANYTHING I've said as being fake. Rob Lester cracked me up the way he says he wants Ron to give him credit for exposing me..Really? He asked me if there was anything in my past that he didn't know about. Umm yes, Mr. Stalker dude, I don't know you therefore I am not going to go into my past or my children's past with you. My two oldest children were abused 6 years ago which had NOTHING to do with the here and now of what was going on in my home. But you thought you were the Sh** when you found a post on an abused childrens website of me begging for help for my children which you gave to Ronnie boy who posted it on his pathetic Paranormal website as front page news. And there you are on the new Scyfake site begging for Ronnie boy to give you a BONE because you SUPPOSEDLY EXPOSED ME NOW.. I hope you don't take yourself seriously because I honestly believe your man crush is being exposed.
Ladies and Gentleman, Please do not feed into this mockery of journalism or whatever they think they are doing. They make up fake names and fake profiles which they comment under. All you have to do is go online and do a LITTLE investigating and you can see for yourself what these idiots are all about. Yes, I was on TV, Yes I have now written a book. Thanks to Scyfake, my sales have doubled so believe me when I say I'm actually taking it easy on them because of that. :)
Look, Either way, the story for us is two years old even though it aired last April. My point is, how pathetic is Scifake for actually bringing my story up again when it's old news. There is your PROOF that this site is NOTHING but trash, they have NO CLUE what is what because instead of having "educated" writers, they allow any joe off the street to add smut even though it's not true. And the entire time, Ronnie boy is getting a little stiffy thinking he's actually a somebody in this world after all.
Which brings me to my next rant. While your checking out Scifake online and HOPEFULLY doing your research before you buy into anything this fool or his 5 followers has to say, make sure you check out his clown site. Oh yes, Ronnie is a clown as his profession. Now remember, this is a man who claimed he was molested as a child and had over 100 video's on Youtube at one point in time until people started questioning how he could be so against child sexual abuse and yet make my children's sexual abuse front page of his paranormal site. Is this a man you want around your children? Oh and let's not forget how he loves to bash Chip Coffey for being Gay. But given what I've seen posted by Rob L. to Ron, I think they may be a little jealous that Chip really doesn't give a crap. Time to come out of the closet boys.
In closing and before you go back to the parasitic Scifake/Scyfake site, please know while your reading all about me, I NEVER told anyone I had a demon (lie), My children were the ones who told me we had a ghost not the other way around (another lie), My son was attacked and hospitalized as was my mother (which we have medical records). My children's nose bleeds were just a fraction of what occurred on an on-going basis. This is NOT soley what made us think we had a ghost or demon.
I hope this helps as you waist your time reading all the other smut they have no clue what they are talking about. This is strictly a way for Ron to feel empowered by having readers comment on his BS.
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