Saturday, July 16, 2011

Will SciFake EVER learn?

I have decided today will be the last day I respond to ANYTHING from the Scifake site given that I have still yet been proved a liar or a fraud. Or even the show itself for that matter. So I see these people are obviously not going to get it no matter what.
 When this all started I had emails from both Kirby Robinson and Ron Tebo telling me that they want to help me get the story out on Dwayne and the Demon Exorcist. Kirby and Ron were very nice in the beginning however, they quickly changed all of that when I didn't give them any "dirt" on the show because I had none to give other than the ONE clip of the show that was already written about in an earlier article. Now I ask you, IF I had faked anything I said on the show, would I REALLY write a blog exposing the one part of the show that was elaborated on? Who would do that? It's all common sense, if they cared to think about that for a minute. But no, they chose to go a different route and expose my past that had nothing to do with the show and then they decided to stalk me and Jackie and dig into our financial history, What does that prove about the show? From there they went on to writing about our book and movie deals.. REALLY? I didn't see my story ON THE SHOW that incredible for ANYONE to want a book or movie deal. I mean nobody died killed anyone, so where is that coming from? It was all getting really ridiculous and childish.
 Scifake has had almost Three months to PROVE how my children's history FROM almost Ten years ago has ANYTHING to do with what happened last year. I mean Ron wrote the story about it and said that was the reason we had those experiences and I was suffering from stress making these things happen. Ok fine, If that's how little you think of your readers that you think you can brainwash their gullible little minds, to each their own. I simply asked that they take the actual post about my children out of the article. And was told no. So from that they went on to a video that was 20 seconds long showing my daughter having her first nosebleed since Dwayne left. Since everyone had been screaming where's my proof of this.. I gave it to them. No, I wasn't having any long drawn out conversations with her I simply showed her nosebleed, cut the camera off and cleaned her up. Everyone in the other forum didn't have a problem with it. Especially since it happened the exact same night that the gentleman made his Youtube video where he was speaking to whatever we had here in our home, Even Ron and his simpletons didn't bring it up UNTIL they were running low on the article about my children's past and needed to bring up something new. Then it was shear horror that I would take this video and use it to exploit my story.. REALLY? LOL that was pretty comical and obviously Ron isn't an active parent if he thinks a child's nosebleed is SO HORRIFIC. Sure it looked bad but It was a nosebleed for God sake! Had the blood come from her eyes or her mouth, I can assure you, there would be no video and my daughter would have gone straight to the ER. Bad judgement call on my part for taking that 20 second video? Maybe so. I didn't realize at the time that it would get out of the hands of those mature people who knew the reason behind it and go into the hands of the simpletons who tried to make more of it than what it was. So yes, my bad.
 So from there it went on to talking about my parenting skills because all our children slept in our room.. hmmm.  Well let's see, I don't believe any of them were in my home at the time dealing with everything we went through. NONE of them even know a quarter of what REALLY happened during that entire time but they are going to sit behind the comforts of their computer and judge me. Even Kelly wrote about it and this was an ADULT that was scared to death after LEAVING my home. But yes, I'm supposed to have my children suck it up and sleep in their own rooms. This after KELLY got an EVP from my son's room saying the word "DEATH" in a growling voice. And only two weeks after my son was rushed into the hospital after he woke up screaming he a black shadow was getting him. And woke up the next day a VERY sick little boy. Yeah, what was I thinking not to make my kids stay in their room after all that? Oh and then you want to talk about me instilling fear into my children by making them wear crystals.. Again, I ask, was you here? Do you know what I said to them and why they was wearing their necklaces? NO. For your information, my older son had a bear claw that he picked out because the thought it was cool. My daughter was given a pink quartz in the shape of a heart and thought she was so grown up because she finally had a necklace to wear. And my youngest son had one that looked like a shark tooth so he was really excited about his too. Do you see how stupid you guys have been looking? Is it sinking in yet?
 So back to Ron, yes, he apologized halfheartedly but in the email he still continued to bash me and use the I feel sorry for your kids act. So then I started thinking about it.. WHY would this man be so mean and nasty to use my children to make a point when he himself had supposedly been sexually abused himself? WHO DOES THAT? IF it were real. And it started to bother me the more as I looked into this man online and saw all of his Youtube videos (which have now been deleted) about him walking around for 40 years with a camera on his back waiting to catch his predator.. WHO DOES THAT? Did he not get counseling to cope? My children suffered years of abuse, they don't run around talking about it every day and I'm sure when they get old enough they won't be making any Youtube video's about it. No more than 80% of the rest of America who has been abused. Then he goes on to talking about how he's been on this show and that show and did this and that.. And then makes another video where he is outraged that ONE news media didn't air his story. IS THAT NORMAL? But I'm the one seeking attention and I'm an attention whore as he has called me on his site.... OOOO.K. So what is this man's problem? Why would he have such a hate filled site that bashes anyone and everyone who #1. Is on TV and #2. disagrees with anything he says. I didn't know this man and had never even heard of his name before I was in a forum talking to other people about the show. I didn't and still don't care who believes me or not as far as the show goes. And even I was disgusted at the way the show didn't give it's viewers a true explanation of what the show was supposed to really be about in the first place. So it's called DEMON EXORCIST and Dwayne is a DEMONOLOGIST.. From what I remember, I don't think it was EVER mentioned on the show that what we had was a demon. However, those at Scifake and Eye on the Paranormal, are hell bent on calling what we had a demon. And then say we're the ones who called it that. LOL  Did you guys forget the fact that I don't know if I fully believe in God so how the hell can I believe in demons? It just doesn't make sense! I told them I didn't care what it was or wasn't, all I know is that it made two people in my family VERY sick and two people outside of my family VERY SICK. And IF Kelly wasn't lying, it also made almost the entire paranormal team sick after they left my house also. So if you want to put a name on it then that is on you! But NO, I have NEVER told my children in any way shape or form that we had a demon. My children's fears came from what THEY EXPERIENCED for themselves which again, NONE of you have any clue about... yet. So let's now break this down in a nutshell..
I made little girl pageant dresses = I'm a pageant mom

I was on a tv show with my entire family = I'm exploiting my children for attention

I write an article for help under an abused children site = I'm exploiting my children and made it public information for scumbags to use on their site which has nothing to do with what he's actually trying to prove but he just got his jollies posting it as payback for not going against Dwayne. AND now approves his other simpleton to post it under a comment so he doesn't take the heat for it.But this man was supposedly abused himself 40 yrs ago... lol.

I comment on posts that are complete lies about me = I'm an attention whore

Those that do have a brain and decide to tell you that your wrong = your 5 followers digging up dirt and making fun of these people, calling them names, and laughing on your site like a bunch of elementary kids.

Is that really all they can do? I for one am very disappointed in myself that I would give any of them the time of day.  I have been banned from their site so they now all sit around talking crap about me and making up lies knowing there isn't anything I can say about it. And that is ok with me because it shows me how pathetic that site really is. And I believe from all the emails and support I've received all the way down to a gentleman who did a complete show last night PROVING all the lies and contradictions from Ron Tebo himself, says more to me than anything coming from someone associated with Scifake. Like the old saying goes, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I believe people are just getting started on Mr. Ron Tebo and his simpletons.
 For anyone who missed the EXCELLENT show last night, here is the link and I think you will end up laughing your head off just like the rest of us were doing.. YEAH, it was that funny but also that sad that this person is so messed up in his head and craving attention so bad that he actually chose to spend his days hiding behind a computer screen slinging crap and saying that he's proved a fake when he is probably more fake than any show or website put together.This is the link to last nights show..



  1. I appreciate your kind words always and by the way growing up in a bad area in Cincinnati, we all had nose bleeds. And this was because of the lead base paint in the schools. Everything you explained is no different than any child growing up. I used to like pewter arrowhead chains around my neck. Doesn't mean squat. Don't ever let anyone take you down. If they were such the great ones in this field then why haven't they explained themselves for all of the lies and manipulations. NO ONE had the guts to face me in this show in 09. They ran and changed there site. And they STILL run and hide. Only difference is they have gotten worse. No one in this field should take them serious. Even the one's on tv. They respond like I said because they won't shut up. It's called stalking.

  2. How old is this Tebo guy? 12, 13???? He needs to grow up and get a hobby! Sounds like you have the right idea. Just ignore him.
    I was at the show last night, yeah, funny stuff. :) When mike hits a nail on the head, he hits it hard. OH yeah, and listening to that show last night, Mike had PROOF!! More than SOME people have in their arsenal.

    As someone who's been in a similiar situation as you and your kids have been, my heart goes out to all of you. To have someone take that and attack you with it publicly, is chickenshit!
    Karma is a real bitch and he's fixin' to meet her real soon.

  3. Sorry I run and hide from nothing and no one you want a ` debate set the date and will be there but then fakers and such cannot debate for they have not truth on the line

    Sarah every time you speak you give more info you and your show and the DEMON EXORCIST is a fake

  4. Ok Kirby, LAST TIME... You tell me what I said that PROVED the show was fake. It's that simple.. No talking crap behind your screen, no calling names, no going off subject. Just tell me what I said that PROVED the show was fake, other than what we have already written about dealing with that ONE incident. And if you or anyone can't do that then you need to leave me the hell alone and get a life! PUT YOUR PROOF WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS.

  5. read about it in next weeks EYE ON THE PARANORMAL

  6. And WHO is keeping our story alive?? LOL

  7. That is so typical.. yes, you have nothing to prove ABOUT THE SHOW so you will write on your blog just so you can have your buddies back you up with all their trash talk.

    You Mr. Robinson have quite a reputation yourself from what I'm seeing. Why can't you stick to your own stories instead of using Scifakes?

    These are only TWO of MANY people all saying the same thing, You are a nobody who is trying to be a somebody and Jealous of anyone who gets any recognition. So now it all makes sense. YOU are Jealous of Dwayne, that is why you tried to hard to get ANY dirt on him. And when it didn't happen you used me to try and discredit and make the show look bad. SORRY, your reputation, just like Ron's has left you looking very juvenile. Nobody but you, Ron and his 4 followers care what you have to say. And worst of all, the only thing you have left to write about is coming from COMMENTS...LOL. I would be careful going down that road Kirby, You never know what lays behind those comments. wink wink.

  8. After reading Eye on the Paranormal comment on July 17th above I decided to share this one here. This was written in one of the latest blogs by Mr. Kirby Robinson (Eye on the Paranormal) himself.. Now you tell me WHO IS KEEPING MY STORY ALIVE??

    We were under the impression that we completed our investigation into Animal Planet's pilot reality TV show, Demon Exorcist. But it seems like those involved in the production of the show, along with the featured "stars" attempt to keep it the public eye. They're desperately trying to extend their 15 minutes of fame in the hope of selling at least a documentary. Maybe a book? Maybe a film deal? Due to all the deceptive statements and our ability to expose them, the likelihood of any such deal/s will soon be dead in the water.

  9. So the time has come, This is Kirby's big post..

    Scientists Found Something Lower than Whale Crap -- Demon Exorcist Credibility

    After we and our pals at Scifake exposed the lie behind Animal Planet's Demon Exorcist, another meltdown occurred. Over the weekend there were more deceptions in "Demon Exorcist-land". Every time they post online, more falsehoods are exposed. Inevitably they lead us to the "star" of one episode: Sarah Maitland. She made two interesting posts that reveal just how far flung this show is from the truth.

    1 Sarah claims that she had family members wear crystals to ward off the demon! News flash! Demons aren't repelled by crystals! People have been watching way too many bad horror movies and reading paranormal romance novels. There is only one thing that has power over a demon and that is GOD.

    2 Sarah made a statement that she is not sure if she believes in God. Then Dwayne Claud didn't have any authority to perform an exorcism in her house. An exorcism or a cleansing performed on the home of a person that is unsure of their faith in God would be null and void.

    We hope this will be our last post on this matter.

    My response:

    REALLY? Well I think we are all STILL waiting to see what you exposed about the show that PROVED it to be fake because we haven't seen ANYTHING yet.

    *** Every time they post online, more falsehoods are exposed. Inevitably they lead us to the "star" of one episode: Sarah Maitland.

    The post online I am guessing your referring to would be One the following blog..
    Please tell me where the falsehoods are about me that came from anyone but you and those from Scifake who obviously wouldn't know the truth if it slapped you on the face.

    Kirby then goes on to HIS OWN BELIEFS and writes as if he has himself sat down and had a great conversation with some demon's and they told him what they like and don't like, what works and doesn't work. I had no clue that Demon's and God work off a check list and have their own set of rules to follow during a haunting etc. I believe when I made the statement about my children wearing crystals it was because I was told it would help protect them. That is MORE than you gave us Kirby being that you claim to be a Demonologist, and caring spiritual adviser. LOL Not once did you ask any questions to try and help us. All you wanted was to get dirt on Dwayne. That makes would make one wonder if YOU were what you say you are IMO.

    **An exorcism or a cleansing performed on the home of a person that is unsure of their faith in God would be null and void.

    AGAIN, I'm guessing that this is from the conversation you and some local demon's or supernatural beings had where they showed you the checklist and their rule book? COME ON!! Are you really taking yourself serious at this point? Are you really expecting others who have a brain to take you serious? You have NO CLUE! Just because I say I don't know if I believe in God doesn't mean I have NO belief there is not a higher power.. This entire experience has been a spiritual awakening for all of us.

    So with this said.. Kirby and those at Scifake, I really hope my story becomes a learning lesson to all of you. You CAN NOT write an article or blog based on comments alone. I know it may mean more work for you but you HAVE to ask questions either of the person you are writing about or a RELIABLE source. Otherwise, as you see, you have crap that makes you look very silly in the end. And then YOUR credibility is shot... just saying.
    Kirby, your jealousy towards Dwayne is very sad. You are a grown man and should not be so bitter that he got the exposure that you didn't. Maybe if you break away from your buddies at Scifake who will only bring you down, and stop writing CRAP about everyone, people would be more willing to listen to what you have to say too.

  10. We give you a A tor trying but a F for understanding

    The next time we deal with this topic will be in our new book which should be out within the next 30 to 60 days

  11. Well there is one thing we do agree on! Your right, I don't understand. I probably never will. I know jealousy is human nature but you've taken it to an entirely different level that I will never understand. A book? That's almost as bad as Casey saying she's writing a book.. Sorry but if your book is anything like your other writings, I won't be wasting my time.

  12. This is the 3rd blogspot I've seen you bitching about SciFake. Get a life, loser.

  13. This is the 3rd blogspot I've seen you bitching about SciFake. Get a life, loser.

  14. This is the 3rd blogspot I've seen you bitching about SciFake. Get a life, loser.
